Schools in Singapore |

Relocating to Singapore? We have everything you need to know
Through our years of experience with expats, we have
collected all the essential information an expat would need
in Singapore. Ranging from all your relocating needs,
finding the right accommodations, rental housing, cost of
living in Singapore, career, travel and much more. Please
drop us a mail should you need more assistance.
The mission of the Education
Service is to mould the future of the nation, by moulding
the people who will determine the future of the nation. The
Service will provide our children with a balanced and
well-rounded education, develop them to their full
potential, and nurture them into good citizens, conscious of
their responsibilities to their family, society and country.
Singapore places huge emphasis on the
education system as human talent is the most valuable
resource we have. Education is cheap, but where necessary,
scholarships and bursaries are provided for needy students
from primary to tertiary levels. Starting from the age of 5,
a student typically goes through 4 years of kindergarten
which include 2 years of nursary education, 6 years of
primary school, 4 years of secondary school leading to the
GCE O Level exams or 5 years for the GCE N Level exams, 2
years of Junior College leading to the GCE A Levels, and 3
or 4 years of university education. Alternatively, a student
may opt to take a 3-year polytechnic diploma course instead
of Junior College - this does not preclude entry into
University, but it does mean more competition since less
poly grads get this chance. Many who are able choose to
study abroad.
International Schools
Some may prefer to send their children to International
School, we have gathered a list of International School that
might be helpful to you.
Australian International School
The Australian International School offers primary and
secondary education. The system here is fully accredited by
the New South Wales Board of Studies. It offers the New
South Wales curriculum from kindergarten to year twelve when
the student sits for the Higher School Certificate (HSC).
The school year is divided into two semesters and four
terms, starting from February and ending in December. They
also runs a pre-school for childrenthree to four years of
Location: 201 Ulu Pandan Road (1 Lorong Chuan in July
Telephone: (65) 6462 7611
Australian International School
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British Association of Singapore Playschool
This playschool uses creative, imaginative and adventure
play to train children from age three to five. Only limited
places are open to non-members, so if you would like to put
your child here, make sure you enroll early.
Location: The British Association, 9 Penang Road
#08-08 Park Mall, S238459
Telephone: (65) 6339 8229
to list
Canadian International School
The Canadian International School, Singapore, is an
independent, privately-owned co-educational day school that
offers an Ontario-based university preparatory curriculum
for pre-school through Grade 12/OAC expatriate students. The
Canadian International School pursues excellence in the
mastery of creative problem-solving, effective communication
and leadership. They offer internationally-recognised
Ontario Secondary School Diploma, which is acceptable for
university enrollment worldwide. A full programme is
provided here - from Early Childhood Education to University
Matriculation (three to 19 years old). The school also
offers an extensive English as a Second Language (ESL)
programme and maintains an Academic Resource department
which provides students with enrichment and remedial
Location: 5 Toh Tuck Road Singapore 596679
Telephone: (65) 6467 1732
Canadian International School Website
to list
Chatsworth International School
The Chatsworth International School has an
internationally-based education programme drawing from a
wide range of education systems, especially those from the
United States and the United Kingdom. Emphasis is on the
mastery of basics while encouraging each student to reach
his or her maximum potential. This school provides a full
programme here, from kindergarten to high school where
students can choose to work towards the American High School
Diploma or the British system of the IGCSE (which now
replaced the former 'O' levels) and 'A' levels. It also
conducts ESL for students who speak little or no English.
Location: 37 Emerald Hill Road Singapore 229313
Telephone: (65) 6737 5955
Chatsworth International School
to list
Deutsche Schule Singapur
Deutshe Schule Singapur, aka German School Singapore,
provides kindergarten and pre-school classes in addition to
primary and secondary classes (up to the 13th grade). After
the 13th grade, the student sits for the Reifeprufung which
is equivalent to a university entrance examination.
The medium of instruction used here is German but English is
also taught in primary two and French from secondary one.
The school term starts in August and ends in July the
following year. Most of the contents are in German.
Location: 72 Bukit Tinggi Rd, Singapore 289760
Telephone: (65) 6469 1131
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Dover Court Preparatory School
An English medium international school for children aged
three to fifteen years, Dover Court delivers a British based
curriculum adapted to the needs of international students.
The school emphasizes individual development and self-discipline.In
addition to its mainstream classes, English as a Second
Language groups are provided for children who have no
English or whose English is limited.The school also offers a
Centre for Special Education where children with a range of
handicapping conditions share their learning, emphasising on
equal opportunities for integrating with mainstream
students. Specially trained teachers, speech therapists, an
occupational therapist, a physiotherapist and a psychologist
work together to provide individual programmes of work.
These specialists are also available to serve the needs of
mainstream children when required.
This school emphasises on the importance on each students'
personal and social development knowing each individual is
Location: Dover Court, Dover Road, Singapore, 139644
Telephone: (65) 6775 7664
Dover Court Preparatory School Website
to list
English College School
This college prepares foreign students of different
backgrounds who wish to pursue higher education in
English-speaking countries. It provides a full secondary
education (high school and junior college levels) to prepare
students for entrance to overseas universities. Students
aged 13 to 18 follow the GCSE programme while those above 16
years of age may follow either the South Australian
Matriculation or the London AEB 'A' levels. All the teachers
here are graduates and experienced.
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Eton House International Primary School And Preschool
At Eton House, children are exposed to a multicultural
environment, with friends from all over the world. In
addition, they learn to speak English and Chinese from
native speakers. With such exposure, an Eton House child
learns to be confident, tolerant and open-minded.
Location: Broadrick Road Campus - 51 Broadrick Road
Singapore 439501
Telephone: (65) 6346-6922
Location: Newton Road Campus - 39 Newton Road
Singapore 439501
Telephone: (65) 6352-3322
Eton House Website
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The Hollandse School
The Hollandse School offers classes for children from age
four to 12. Medium of instruction used is Dutch while
English is taught in the primary school. All the teachers
here are trained in Holland. The school year is divided into
three terms, starting from August and running through to
June the following year.
Location: 65 Bukit Tinggi Road Singapore 289757
Telephone: (65) 6466 0662
The Hollandse School Website
to list
International School of Singapore (ISS)
ISS provides an international educational programmes to
prepare students for the IGCSE and GCE A-level examinations
to enter British universities or take an American High
School Diploma base on a credit system, and prepare for SAT
and AP examinations to enroll in American universities. They
may also prepare for both A-Level and High School Diploma.
Location: Upper School - 21 Preston Rd, Singapore
Telephone: (65) 6475 4188
Direct line to Admissions Office: (65) 6470 0113/4
Location: Lower School - 25 Paterson Rd, Singapore
Telephone: (65) 6235 5844
International School Of Singapore
to list
The Japanese School
The Japanese School provides academic courses at primary and
secondary levels on three different campuses at Clementi,
Changi and West Coast Road. The school has an open admission
policy with no restriction on intake of students. The medium
of instruction is Japanese but some subjects are taught in
English. Most of the staff are Japanese teachers sent by the
Japanese government on a three-year tour of duty while some
are recruited from Singapore.
School Term1st Term - 1 Apr - 31 July
2nd Term - 1 Aug - 31 Dec
3rd Term - 1 Jan - 31 Mar
Location: 95 Clementi Road, Singapore 129782
Telephone: (65) 6775 3366
The Japanese School (Secondary School)
Location: 201 West Coast Road, Singapore 127383
Telephone: (65) 6779 7355
The Japanese School Website
to list
Lycee Francais De
Aka Ecole Francais de Singapour. The education programme
offered here is drawn by the French Ministry of Education.
It is opened to all the French nationals or French-speaking
students. It provides kindergarten to Baccalaureate level
(pre-university). The medium of instruction used is French
with English, German or Spanish taught as a second language.
All the teachers are certified in France.
Location: 3000 Ang Mo Kio Avenue 3, Singapore 569928
Telephone: (65) 6488 1160
Lyceee Francais De Singapour Website
to list
Overseas Family School (OFS)
OFS provides a modern education in the English language for
overseas families living in Singapore. Classes start from
kindergarten to high school level. It offers the
International Baccalaureate and the school is accredited by
the Western Association of Schools and Colleges, California,
Location: 25F Paterson Road, Singapore 238515
Telephone: (65) 6738 0211
Overseas Family School Website
to list
The curriculum of the Indonesian School is based on
directives from the Indonesian Ministry of Education. It
provides academic courses up to pre-university level and is
open to students whose parents are Indonesian nationals, who
are the home staff of the embassy, and Indonesian
state-owned enterprises based in Singapore. The medium of
instruction is Bahasa Indonesian with English as the second
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The Singapore American School (SAS)
SAS offers an American Education for expatriate students
living in Singapore. Its curriculum is based on the American
system incorporating the latest trends in American education
and is accredited by the Western Association of Schools and
Colleges. The high school programme fulfills the entry
requirements for most American universities and colleges. It
offers honour and special needs programmes, advanced
placement courses and a host of extra-curricular activities.
The elementary and middle school cater to students from
pre-school (age three) to grade eight. They also provide ESL
for non-English-speaking students.
Location: 40 Woodlands Street 41 Singapore 738547
Telephone: (65) 63633403 Fax No: (65) 63633408
The Singapore American School Website
to list
The Tanglin Trust School
TTS operates three schools -- the Winchester School, Tanglin
Infant School and Tanglin Junior School.
Winchester School offers education for children three to
four years old. The emphasis here is on learning through
play and building. All the teachers are qualified and
experienced expats.
Tanglin Infant School and Tanglin Junior School are
organised based on the British Education System. Medium of
instruction is English and all members of the teaching staff
are qualified and experienced teachers from Britain,
Australia and New Zealand. There are also specialist subject
teachers for music, physical education, art and information
technology in both schools. The Infant School caters for
three groups of children -- Reception, Primary 1 and 2 while
the Junior School has four year groups -- Primary 3 to 6.The
curriculum is organised into key stages :
Key Stage 1 - for 5 to 7 years of age.
Key Stage 2 - for 7 to 11 years of age.
Key Stage 3 - for 11 to 14 years of age.
Key Stage 4 - for 14 to 16 years of age.
National Curriculum Tests are administered at the end of Key
Stages 1, 2 and 3 (with interim tests at the end of each
Location: Tanglin Trust School, Portsdown Road,
Singapore 139294
Telephone: (65) 6778 0771
Tanglin Trust School Website
to list
The Swiss School
The Swiss School offers programmes for children from 3 1/2 -
16 years old. Medium of instruction is German and all
teachers are trained in either Switzerland or Germany. The
school year is divided into three terms, starting in
September through to July the following year. They also
conduct religious classes for the students.
Location: 38 Swiss Club Road, Singapore 288140
Telephone: (65) 6468 2117
The Swiss School Website
to list
United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA)
UWCSEA is a unique primary and secondary schooling
experience that finishes with the International
Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma that is accepted by the worlds
leading universities. Arts, drama, sport, music, community
service and global understanding make up the total
educational process. The College�s intake is comprehensive
up to Grade 10 in academic terms but a prime entry
requirement at all levels is evident constructive energy.
UWCSEA has 2400 students across the 14 age groups in the
College. (K1 to Grade 12: 4years to 18 years). The boarding
community (Grade 6 upwards) comprises up to 200 students.
There are about 176 full time teachers and 25 part time
teachers employed. The three constituent schools are High
School (grades 8 to 12) , Lower School (grades 5 to 7) and
Elementary School (K1 to Grade 4).They have more than 50
nationalities of students and its teaching staff are mostly
recruited overseas.
Location: Dover Road Singapore 139654
Telephone: (65) 6775 5344
UWC Website
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